Saturday, 15 February 2014

Star Signs

Hey everyone, I have always been interested in star signs and their meanings and significance. 

My birthday is 26th January which makes me an Aquarius. 

According the the website Whats Your Sign

Aquarius - The Water Bearer
January 20 - February 18
Often simple and unassuming, the Aquarian goes about accomplishing goals in a quiet, often unorthodox ways. Although their methods may be unorthodox, the results for achievement are surprisingly effective. Aquarian's will take up any cause, and are humanitarians of the zodiac. They are honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy going and make natural friendships. If not kept in check, the Aquarian can be prone to sloth and laziness. However, they know this about themselves, and try their best to motivate themselves to action. They are also prone to philosophical thoughts, and are often quite artistic and poetic.

I think I agree with this. Does anyone know anymore about star signs..

Take care x

Blogger Challenge 2014:3: Book Review

Hey everyone, so its topic 3 from the blogger challenge and the topic is a book review. 

For anyone that knows me, they already know what book or books I am going to write about. 

I have read many books and enjoyed many series but I cannot recommend any series as highly as JK Rowlings Harry Potter Books. They have high morals and lots of life lessons, all wrapped up in phenomenal stories that keep your attention from page to page. 

Whats you favorite book...

Get to know me Tag

Hey everyone. I'm back.... I have had some problems with internet so all my internet time was taken up with my degree but its all sorted now. 

I  thought I would kick start my blog with a Get to know me Tag. So here we go:-

The Questions:
Grace Carter
Gracie, Gracia
Place of Birth 
Star Sign 
Boots Fragrance Consultant ( Waiting for qualification)

Hair colour 
Dark Brown
Hair length 
Eye colour 
Best feature 
I wore braces for 1  year when I was 17 but my retainer didn’t fit as I bit down when mould was being taken.
Yes a phoenix  on my right shoulder blade.
Righty of Lefty Firsts: 
I was born left handed but my year one teacher made me write with my right hand so I’m now ambidextrous.
Best friend :
Cheesy but true fiancĂ©e Paul.
I like to play different sports but I don’t follow any.
Real Holiday:
We went to Orlando, Florida last year and it was amazing. We can’t wait to go back for our honeymoon.  We will be going to sea world and bush gardens.
I have never been to a concert.

Film :
Ooh this is difficult- Bride-wars, all Harry potter films and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.
TV Show : Friends, One Born Every Minute
Red or Blue
Song :
Too many to mention
I have not been to many and don’t have a favourite.
Store :
Boots of course!!
Book :
The Harry Potter series
Magazine ;
Shoes :
Uggs for comfort my leopard print heels for fashion.

Feeling :
Single or Taken:
Taken.. we have been engaged for 3 years together for 5.
Eating : Cornflakes.
Listening to :
You tube songs
Thinking about 
Our Wedding in 2015
The Biggest Looser Australia.
Jeans, slipper socks, and a t-shirt.

Want Children :
Yes, I like even numbers but I think two is not enough so four I think.
Want to be married Yes.
Careers in mind 
: I am loving my job on fragrance and would like to be a fully qualifies fragrance consultant. Who knows what else the future brings.
Where do you want to live: I enjoy living by the sea so I’ll stay in       Kent.

 Do you believe in: 
God :  Yes, I have been brought up LDS.
Miracles : Yes
Love at first sight : Yes
Ghosts : Yes but wouldn’t want to see or hear one.
Aliens : Not sure
Soul Mates : Yes.. I have found mine. 
Heaven Yes
Hell  Yes
Kissing on the first date : No