Thursday, 24 January 2013
TTC Thursday Who's the Mummy?
As I have mentioned before Paul and I will start our fertility journey once we are married but that doesn't mean we don't think about babies and our future family. I go on a few forums and there is a big debate around egg sharing and who the biological mother of the child is. It all comes down to your school of thought on the meaning if the word biological. If you think biological is being related by blood then the egg recipient is the mother as it is her body and blood that's takes the egg from cells to a living baby. If you believe biological means related by genetics then the egg donor is the biological mother of the child aS her egg carries all the genes or blue print to create the baby. What are your thoughts?
Wedding Wednesday Cake maker meeting
We had our first design and taster meeting with our cake baker on Monday and we are so excited. We have chosen four flavours, and they are all gorgeous. We have a couple of ideas for the design of the cake on the outside and she is going to draw them up so we can decide. She is so easy to get on with which is nice as I don't want a battle or to feel uncomfortable with my suppliers. She has so many creative ideas and the taste if her cakes is divine. Can't wait for the designs to come back!
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
True Beauty Comes from Within
Fist I want to explain why my blogs have been appearing in groups, I seem to have a problem with internet connection and once it connects again it sends my blogs, but I can promise I have been writing them everyday.
Ok now on to today, its True Beauty Tuesday and I think it is important to remember that true beauty comes from within. We are surrounded by airbrushed images of perfect celebrities and we can start to get too focused on trying to look like them. We need to remember that it is what is inside that counts, we all have talents and things that we can offer the world. You can look like a film-star but if you are a horrible person it will not get you far. Remember the people in your life love you for who you are and not who you want to be. I am not saying that goals and aspirations are bad I have many but please remember you are beautiful as you are. I also understand that a little make-up can give you added confidence that others will give you a chance which is true, a well groomed person who obviously makes an effort gives a good impression.
I do believe in taking care of yourself and trying to keep your skin and body in good condition. I have been drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day and I have noticed a big difference in my skin, it is hydrated and blemish free. So girls drink up!
Ok now on to today, its True Beauty Tuesday and I think it is important to remember that true beauty comes from within. We are surrounded by airbrushed images of perfect celebrities and we can start to get too focused on trying to look like them. We need to remember that it is what is inside that counts, we all have talents and things that we can offer the world. You can look like a film-star but if you are a horrible person it will not get you far. Remember the people in your life love you for who you are and not who you want to be. I am not saying that goals and aspirations are bad I have many but please remember you are beautiful as you are. I also understand that a little make-up can give you added confidence that others will give you a chance which is true, a well groomed person who obviously makes an effort gives a good impression.
I do believe in taking care of yourself and trying to keep your skin and body in good condition. I have been drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day and I have noticed a big difference in my skin, it is hydrated and blemish free. So girls drink up!
Maxfactor False Lash Effect,Maybeline- Bronze Drama
Make-up Monday's here again and I must share how pleased I am with two of my make-up purchases for my new years resolutions make-up routine.
First up: Maxfactor False Lash Effect Mascara I do not have incredibly long or thick lashes but I love the glamour full long lashes creates. I have searched for a mascara that can give me my longed for look and at long last I have found one!Maxfactor False Lash Effect gives me everything I want that mother nature did not provide. This mascara gives volume and length from root to tip by wrapping each lash. 

Second to take the floor is : Maybelline Silk Glam Bronse Drama by Eyestudio
This eye shadow is flawless, I personally apply with a brush but this comes with a dual-ended applicator either of these applies colour evenly onto the lids, leaving you with the perfect coverage. I cannot put into words how great the texture of this eyeshadow is the wet technology produces a creamy, soft shadow loaded with up to 50% gem-like sparkles, which gives a dramatic sheen. The colour lasts all day and has loads of combinations and effects.
Monday, 21 January 2013
Weightloss week2
Wedding Photographer
We think we have found our wedding photographer, I cannot explain how great these people are!!! Its all thanks to Paul we found them. We attended the Wiltshire Golf and Country Club wedding fair, we walked into the room and I spoke to two cake makers and a bridal consultant all lovely, but not too big an impression on both Pail and I. I was ready to walk right past a photography stand as I though we had found out photographer. Oh my goodness this husband and wife team are amazing! they are so creative and have done things I have never seen or heard of before- I am not going to spill all of them as I would like to leave some surprises but I want to share one thing with you. We have all seen wedding videos and can all put our hands up to our minds wondering not long after the bride arrives at the church, our prospective photographer has a slide show of pictures and in the appropriate places has 3-4 min video for example photos of bride and bridesmaids having breakfast, hair and makeup and all the little details and then a video of her seeing the bridesmaids in full wedding outfits and them and mother/ father seeing her in complete wedding dress. I found that idea perfect mix of photos and video so as not to get board but catch all the details. We are making an appointment to see them in the next month and discuss our wedding and album etc. Have a look at their website
Friday, 18 January 2013
Fertility Code-breaker
As I changed the theme days this post is on the wrong day
but as I did my fashion post yesterday I will do the TTC post today. Before I
write osts I should fill you in on fertility jargon-
2WW: Two week wait (before testing, not always 2 weeks)
AF: Aunt Flo, your period.
BD: Baby Dance. Have intercourse for conception purposes or
by extension any form of insemination.
BFN: Big Fat Negative (pregnancy test)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (pregnancy test)
CD: Cycle Day
CH: Crosshairs- the lines drawn on the chart to indicate
CL: Coverline
CM: Cervical mucous, also known as cervical fluid. It is
fluid produced by your cervix as you approach ovulation due to increased
CP: Cervical Position
DH, DD, DS: Dear Husband, Dear Daughter, Dear Son
DPO: Days Past Ovulation
EDD: Estimated Due Date
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GnRH: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
HPT: Home pregnancy test. Measures levels of the hormone hcG
which are produced in pregnancy.
HcG: Hormone detected by pregnancy tests. Human Chorionic
ICSI = Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IUI: Intra-uterine insemination
IVF: In-vitro fertilization
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
LMP: Last menstrual period. The first day of your last
LOL: Laughing out loud
LP: Luteal Phase
LPD: Luteal Phase Defect
M/C: Miscarriage
O: Ovulation
OPK: Ovulation Prediction Kit. OPKs measure luteinizing
hormone, the last hormone to peak before ovulation.
POAS: Pee on a stick
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist- Fertility Specialist
TTC: Trying to conceive.
Blog Day Theses Revised
Hi everyone,
I hope none objects but I have decided to change the day themes, the reason for this is that Paul and I are on a fertility journey. We will be progressing this after the wedding which is why i did not have a tab or mention it much before, however it is a very important part of our lives and I have lots of information to share and so I am going to open that part of my life up to you too. So the day themes will now be:-
I hope none objects but I have decided to change the day themes, the reason for this is that Paul and I are on a fertility journey. We will be progressing this after the wedding which is why i did not have a tab or mention it much before, however it is a very important part of our lives and I have lots of information to share and so I am going to open that part of my life up to you too. So the day themes will now be:-
Make-up Monday
True beauty Tuesday
Wedding Wednesdays
Trying to Conceive Thursdays
Fashion Friday
Weightloss and anything else on weekends
Thursday, 17 January 2013
What to wear in the snow
We have all seen the forecast, snow snow and more snow. Although we would all like to stay at home and have a pj day we have to face the reality- that's never going to happen. So we must go to work in these artic conditions but want to be safe and stylish in the process, here are my top pics
Karrimor Quilted Snow Boots
Mason Bootcut Jeans
Kardashian leopard print top
Debenhams wrap cardigan
Grey woolen scarf
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
How to choose your wedding cake
Welcome to Wedding Wednesday first blog!
On Monday we have our first consultation with our Wedding cake maker. I am so
excited and can’t wait for us to be able to discuss our dreams and ideas and
see if they can become a reality. I want to share some advice on how to choose your
cake design, style, flavour and tips.
The cake is one of the most dominant
symbols of your wedding. It will be featured prominently in your wedding
pictures. You can use your cake to bring together your wedding colours and theme.
One of the first things you need to
decide is how many tiers you would like. In order to make that decision you need
to know, how many guests will you provide cake for? What is your cake budget?
Now you have the practical thoughts out
the way now comes the fun, designing the cake. Do you have a vision of how you
would like to look? What colours, themes or decorations do you want to include?
Do you want a cake topper?
Once you know what you want it’s time to
start the road on achieving it. Don’t leave it until the last minute you need
at least 3-6 months to have cake made etc. You need to find a cake maker, find someone
with proven reputation- ask friends and family. Visit bakery’s and asks to see pictures or
models of their work. Take pictures or drawings of things you like with you to
consultations and taste, taste ,taste a cake should not just look good it
should taste good too.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
January Glossy box 2013
First Glossybox of 2013! Well detoxing and being healthy are defiantly at the forefront of my mind so I am very grateful for the January 2013 Glossybox. I do love to have make-up in my Glossy box so I was a little disappointed that I didn't receive any in this one however as I have already said I am currently detoxing and trying to be a better version of me so this box is still useful. I have not done a feedback post for the November box or a review or feed back for the December box but I will do that soon. Back to the January box:-
Paul Mitchell Super Strong Daily Shampoo this shampoo helps to rebuild, protect and add shine to your hair. This shampoo repairs the hair from within- repairing the damage caused by dying,heat styling and the environment Sample size 100m £3.83 fullsize 300ml £11.50
Monu aromatic mask- this warm mask will refresh and rejuvenate your complexion. The mask deep cleanses while stimulating new cell growth.The smell of this product reminds me of Teatree oil which for me is not a nice smell but I like to try new products anyway. Face masks are great and I believe that they really benefit your skin and do what they say on the bottle. Sample size 30ml £8.31 fullsize 100ml £24.95
Elemis refresh skin exfoliator-the deep cleansing properties of cherry powder and jojoba gently polish the skin. The mandarin and aniseed soften and condition the skin leaving it clear and glowing. This smells delightful like fruit salad note to self must not eat!!! Sample size 30ml £4 fullsize 100ml £12
Jasonlips bee healthier- this lip balm is refreshing. The first thing I noticed when I opened the lip balm is the strong smell of mint ( these smell like after eights!). The word Jason means healer in Greek so straight away I have high expectations for this product.The beeswax, greentea and vitamin E trap moisture while the aloe vera helps heal and protect chapped lips. This also contains shea butter and sweet almond oil to moisturize leaving smooth, revitalised and most of all healthy lips. Fullsize product £1.99
Duck island limited body lotion- this has a beautiful smell as soon as you open the bottle betterstill once on the skin it continues to release the smell. The sents and ingredients in this lotion will help you relax , stimulate your senses and moisturize your skin. sample size 30ml £ 1.55 fullsize 250ml £12.45 (2 for £24.95)
Last but not least a glossy dreams eye-mask. I need one of these but can never find one I like this one is perfect!
Total value of glossy box £19.68 ( without eye mask as unknown value)
Monday, 14 January 2013
Blog Day Themes
Make-up Monday
True beauty Tuesday
Wedding Wednesdays
Total Style Thursdays
Fat Free Fridays (Weight loss)
The weekends I will leave flexible and Blog about anything I want. What do you think?
Week 1 of diet weight loss
I am so pleased after only 1 week of my diet I have lost 6 pounds, I am over the moon! I would usually only loose 3 pound if I was lucky.It just proves if you don't eat enough it's just as bad as eating too much when it comes to weightloss.
Saturday, 12 January 2013
My Must-haves for 2012
For me January is a month of reflection partially because its my birthday month- which naturally makes me think of the past year. I really found my love of beauty and make-up this year so I want to share with you my favorites that I must have. It has been a hard decision but here are what I feel are the best items for 2012.
Razor: Gillette Venus Embrace
This Razor is great, I like a close shave and with 5 blades and built in moisture strip delivers the close shave I require without any cuts. The sent is light and fresh and my skin feels silky smooth. I like the fact that These come with a handy shower pod.
Body Butter: Body Shop Coco Butter
This is so luxurious. I have dry skin and the tops of my arms can get very very dry along with my knw=ees and elbows. This butter helps allot as it soaks into the skin making it smooth and revitalized without the after greasiness. I also love the smell of this product, the coconut makes me think of summer and brightens my mood.
Eye shadow: Body Shop Shimmer Cube Warm
I love this pallet as it has so many colour combinations. They are completely blend-able, I can have a smoky eye, a bronze goddess shimmer or a natural day look. They are highly pigmented and last all day without re application. They are very easy to apply and very blend-able. The other thing I like about them is they are easy to remove one wipe or a dab of cleanser and it's gone.
Mascara: Rimmel Glam Eyes
This mascara gives a natural look, no clumps or smudges under the eyes. I get a well defined from waterline to tip black lash. As the bottle says you get a very glamorous effect.
Dry Shampoo: Batiste Brunette
We all have those days when we don't have time to wash our hair, this shampoo can give your hair the lift and refresh it needs. This has no sent and does not leave your hair white!
Tool: Eye Shadow Blender Brush
As you have probably guessed by now I love the smoky eye look and this brush can give me that look time after time, no matter what the eye shadow. It is soft and non irritating. The best thing about this brush is the quality I have never seen a bristle fall out!
Well bring on 2013 and making new must have items.
Wonderful Weekend
I had a huge spring clean of all my make up and beauty products. It is so surprising how much you can accumulate. I made room for all my new stuff from Christmas. I still have not got round to reading any of my books yet but I aim to read Cheryl tomorrow.
My wonderful Fiancee let me have a weekend lying, I cannot function with out my sleep. I am still debating over starting a vlog on youtube I just can't decide.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Home manicure
We all like well cared for beautiful nails
but not all of us can afford the high price tag that the salons charge. Why not
do your own? Below is my step by step guide on how to give yourself a fabulous
manicure in the comfort of your own home at a fraction of the cost.
Step1 Remove nail polish
It is very important to remove any old
nail polish to start a fresh clean layer, just like cleansing your face. I use
nail polish remover and cotton pads. Try and use a mild remover and unless you
use it once a month, don't use a nail polish remover with acetone in it. Acetone
might make removing the nail polish easier, but it can damage your nails
Step 2 Cut and file nails.
I use nail
clippers to trim your nails just like your hair this will encourage new
stronger nails. Using a nail file, file the nail gently in one direction to
create a smooth and clean shape. Excessive force or filing back and forth will
weaken the nails and cause them to break.
Step 3 Push back or remove cuticles and buff
Remove the cuticles, they not firmly
attached and should come off easily. I use a cuticle remover tool it is so easy
to use and gives me fast results without ages of pushing back with the rubber
end. Using a nail buffer, buff the surface of the nail to smooth out ridges.
Step 4 Soak nails
Get a bowl or fill
the sink luke-warm water. Soak your hands for a few minutes. The water will loosen
dirt, dead skin, and any dust left over from filing and buffing. Gently scrape
under your nails if necessary to remove.
Step 6 Moisturise
Use any lotion
or hand cream and massage it into your hands, concentrate around the nails and knuckles.
Leave this to soak in for about 30 mins,
remove any excess with a towel.
Step 7 Prepare and base coat
Nail polish will
not stick to the nails with moisturiser on them, so take a Q-tip dipped in nail
polish remover and quickly wipe over the nails to remove the lotion. Apply
the base coat. This will help the polish to last longer, and
keep the colour from staining your nails.
Step 8 Polish
Choose a nail
polish that you really like. Roll the nail polish bottle between your hands for
about 10 seconds to make sure it is mixed. Start painting your nails with a
thin layer. Slowly paint a vertical stripe down the centre of your nail,
followed by another stripe on either side. Wait 10 to 15 minutes for the polish
to dry. After the first coat has dried fully, apply a second coat.
Step 9 Top coat
To complete our manicure apply a clear
top coat for a protective layer over the polish to help it last longer and in
good condition.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
New Hair Routine
My new year’s resolutions have given me a fresh look at
myself and how much I want to take care of myself more. Well I have a new
beauty and make-up routine so a new hair routine is in order. As mentioned
before one of my splurges was buying hair products from my hair dresser,
however the Christmas period took all our cash so I saw in Tesco’s there was a
sale on hair care. I ready the backs of
various bottles as well as thinking of brands I know people use. I came to a
decision to buy Pantene Normal-Thick Hair Repair and Protect.
I have normal to thick hair and a history of split ends so the
Repair & Protect collection helps solve those problems. The shampoo restores
hair’s strength against styling damage so I am free to use my hair dryer and
straighteners (with the help of heat protection spray). It puts a protective
layer on my hair to protect against future styling damage. The formula also
helps to prevent the formation of split ends. The rich repairing collection
with micro-nourishers helps to lock in moisture deep down, working with my hair
to leave it looking healthy and with a brilliant shine.
So now you know what product I use now for a refresh on how
I wash my hair.
1. Don’t over-wash your hair you
can take out all the natural oils in your hair and end up causing more damage
than good.
2. Only apply shampoo to your
scalp and
massage gently. Don’t pile your hair on top and scrub it, as this will only
create knots. Work the shampoo gently down to the ends of your hair and rinse
3. Rinse your hair in cold water. Make sure you remove all your conditioner
and finish with cold water this will close the cuticle and seal in the moisture
to each strand of hair. It’s ok to shampoo your hair in hot water but finish it
with a cold rinse.
8. Never brush your hair when
it’s wet. Instead use a wide comb or
tangle teaser to gently smooth your hair.
9. Try not to towel dry the rubbing
of your hair with a towel this will cause damage and make your hair look dull.
Gently squeeze out the excess moisture and allow to air dry
10. Hair masks are essential if you use heat stylers or colour your
hair. Even if you don’t you will still appreciate the moisture a mask can bring.
Striiv step counter
Well day two of the weight loss plan went well I don't feel hungry quite the opposite I struggled to eat my calories. As I mentioned before I am using MyFitnessPal and have got the app on my phone and while logging my food I came across another app called striiv that links in to MyFitnessPal. Striiv is a step counter that logs your steps, it won't work if you just shake your leg/ phone as it asks for your height and weight to work out your stride.Once it ha your stride only when the movement of the phones he's with your stride for 8-12 steps will it count them.The only thing is when I am on the bus I have to turn the app off as sometimes the bus keeps a sustained rhythm and Striiv logs steps but that's easy to do. I had no idea how many steps I took in a day before but yesterday was over 5000.I am determined to reach my goals this year and keep my New Years resolutions.
Monday, 7 January 2013
First day of diet
Well today went well, I calorie counted and was just under my limit which is good as to loose weight you have to be close to that number or your body can go into starvation mode and store as much fat as possible in preparation for starvation. I am using my fitness pal website and app for on the go. It is so easy to use and its not just a calorie counter- you can weigh in and input measurements, log exercise and there is a good forum and supportive online community. I really hope thus tone works.
No not the hilarious sitcom that I still hope they bring back! Today Paul and I had the chance to spend some time with a couple we have not seen in a while and it was great.I have known the lady since I was about 13 and I am glad to know her. Today made me appreciate friends and how important they are. It was also nice that Paul and her husband had a chat and get on too. Life is short so take time out for friends and family.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
End of Christmas
Well its time to take down our Christmas decorations, I am a little sad as it means that the Christmas season is well and truly over. On the other hand it will be nice to have more room in the house again and the electricity bill to go back down.
I am not superstitious so I am taking them down tomorrow as we were really busy today. I was asked how I return my home to normal- so here it is
- Get all boxes, bags and containers back down from the attic and put in appropriate rooms
- Christmas tree- take off baubles/decorations wrap in tissue or newspaper and place in boxes in colour order dark to light. Take off tinsel and roll around cardboard discs or tubes( to avoid tinsel tangle next year). Lastly take off lights and put back in original box.
- Put each of the other decorations or ornaments in their boxes remember to remove the batteries as they can leak and ruin the decoration.
- Remove any window lights and pack back in boxes with lights from tree.
- Collect all Christmas CD's from the car etc and put together in a labelled box.
That's it all packed and return to attic for next year.
Hairy bikers -hairy dieters
I think the hairy bikers are great.They have great humour, hearty meals full of flavour. Check out their 4 part series it's amazing.I bought the book for Paul for Christmas and we can't wait to try some recipes
Thursday, 3 January 2013
My new make-up routine
As mentioned in my new years resolution
blog I have decided to start a make-up routine and do it everyday. I am not a
morning person and as I already have to
get up early as it takes me 1.45hrs to get to work (2 buses), my make-up needs
to be quick yet effective.
Step1: Foundation
Maybelline dream fresh BB cream in Universal
Glow. I apply this all over my face apart from my eyes. Don’t be shocked when
you start off it looks bright orange but as its name suggests it is universal
and will blend into your skin as you apply.
Step2: Concealer
Maybelline super stay 24hr concealer in 2
(light beige). I apply this under my eyes to eliminate dark circles and on any
spots or blemishes. I dab this onto the area and pat until blended.
Rimmel London clear complexion in 021
(transparent). I apply this all over my face to set my foundation. I
concentrate on my T-zone as I have combination skin and this is where I will
get oil build up.
Step4 Contouring
Mua make-up academy mosaic. I will apply
this on my temples, under my cheek-bones and under my jaw line making sure to
blend down my neck.
Step5:Eye shadow
Maybelline eyestudio silky glam bronze
drama. Using from the left. Apply the first shadow over the whole eye as a
base. Second shadow sweep across the lid. Shadow 3 apply to the crease and
blend. Shadow 4 apply along the top lash line and into the corner and along the
bottom lash line
Step6: Eyeliner
BarryM Khol pencil. This liner is nice
and soft and very easy to use. Draw a line along the top lash line into the
corner and draw a line from the outer corner to the middle of the lower lash
line. Using a small blending brush add a little of Shadow 4 over the top this
will soften the liner and blend into the shadow.
Step7: Mascara
Maxfactor false lash effect fusion volume
+ length. I usually do two coats of
mascara just to make sure all my lashes are covered and also get a little bit
more length.
That is everything, I am now ready to
face the day.
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Beauty Regime
As those of you who have read yesterdays blog ( although apparently this only got published today- don't know why) one of my new years resolutions is to keep up with my new beauty regime. My goal is to have spot free healthy skin. Here are my beginning of 2013 essential items and uses:-
Start of routine once a week: Exfoliate
Exfoliating my skin is very important as it removes dry/old skin and encourages healthy new layer of skin. I will be doing this weekly and have chosen St. Ives Apricot Scrub I chose the more gentle formula which is suited to all skin types, is also oil-free which is great for me as I have combination skin .
Step 1 : Cleanse
It is important to clean your skin, to remove the dirt etc that you collect during your day to day life and also allows your skin to breath and prepares the skin to receive any nutrients the next morning while helping to restore the skin’s natural oils .. I have chosen Nivea visage gentle face wash gel- at night I will remove my make up with Simple wipes first then cleanse.
Step 2 : Tone
As mentioned I have combination skin and so I am prone to spots if I don't choose the right products on my face. A toner will close your pores after cleansing and prepare your skin to absorb the goodness in the moisturiser. I have chosen Nivea visage toner as I believe you should try and use products that are made to work with each other in this case Nivea Visage range.
Step 3 : Moisturise
My moisturiser feeds my skin all the nutrients it needs to repair and to give me a smooth radiant complexion. I have the Nivea Visage natural beauty day cream.
That's it my new skin routine for 2013- bring on the glow!
New years resolutions
New year gives the opportunity to draw a line under the last year and start a fresh. Part of my new year better me process is to make new years resolutions, as I see it new years resolutions are goals you set yourself after reviewing the past year in order to make the next year a better one. My new years resolutions are as follows:-
- To go out driving regularly with Paul and if finances permit my driving instructor and pass my driving test this year
- Loose weight and be able to feel comfortable and confident in shorts etc this summer
- Keep to my new skin care regime( which I will blog about tomorrow)
- Keep my new make-up routine ( which I will blog about on Thursday)
- Blog everyday!I have to look into how this can be done while I am in AMERICA!!!!
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
This year is a special year for me for two reasons. Firstly Paul and I have been together for 5 years and I can finally say we are getting married NEXT year!!!! Summer 2014 more on that later post. Secondly I have wanted to go to America since I was about 5 so I have waited 20 years and this year in June I am going to Florida for 3 weeks with my gorgeous fiancee and some close friends, excited is not the word!!
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Christmas Haul
Hey everyone, I wanted to share how lucky I have been this Christmas and all the gorgeous gifts I have been given. Through January I will be going a blog post on each item. I want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for each gift I have received.
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