Hey everyone! As you all know I recently started a job at Boots. While working on 'cash and wrap' aka tills. I learnt about an offer Boots are doing. The offer is called Star gift. What it means is that each week Boots reduce one of the premium gifts to better than half price. The offer runs from Friday until Thursday. It is at larger stores but if you don't live close to a large store you can take advantage of the star offer online at boots.com.
This is amazing, I have so many family to buy for at Christmas, I like to buy more than one gift for each person. Spending £50 on a single gift isn't justified but with Boots star offer I can afford to get the luxury gifts my family deserve but not spend over budget.
This weeks star gift is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Winter Essentials Kit. It contains the eight hour skin protectant, this can be used anywhere on the skin including the lips. It is an intensive formula that can even help sooth dry cracked heels. Intensive moisturising hand treatment, which can keep your hands in good condition in the harsh winter weather. Eight hour moisturising stick that contains SPF15 and vitamin E to help treat chapped lips and protect against the sun. The kit also contains a pair of moisturising socks and gloves. The kit is presented in a handy red case which could be used as a wash bag or even a storage place for smaller cosmetics or toiletries.
Would you like me to do a post on each star offer of the week? Let me know by leaving a comment.
This weeks star gift is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Winter Essentials Kit. It contains the eight hour skin protectant, this can be used anywhere on the skin including the lips. It is an intensive formula that can even help sooth dry cracked heels. Intensive moisturising hand treatment, which can keep your hands in good condition in the harsh winter weather. Eight hour moisturising stick that contains SPF15 and vitamin E to help treat chapped lips and protect against the sun. The kit also contains a pair of moisturising socks and gloves. The kit is presented in a handy red case which could be used as a wash bag or even a storage place for smaller cosmetics or toiletries.
Would you like me to do a post on each star offer of the week? Let me know by leaving a comment.
Yes xxxx